Monday, October 26, 2009

Water Unit Essential Question

How does the abundance or scarcity of a resource affect how we use the resource? (Make sure to give examples)


almavd said...

i thougt that was pretty good video.

Anonymous said...

Here are 4 reasons that the abundance and scarcity of a resource effect how we use it, lets start with how the abundance of water effects how we use it. First of all, if we have alot of water, we can irrigate crops and water lawns more. Also, it will make it to where there are less droughts. The scarcity of water will make it to where himans will not survive because we can only go 3 days without water. Also, that would make it to where we have more droughts. Those are the effects of how the abundance and scarcity of water can effect how we use it.

James said...

I tkink it effects it by their not being much of something, but their is a lot of somethings. For example their is a lot of salt water, but then not that much fresh water. Well thats my only example because i can't come up with another.

ricardo said...

If we have a little bit of a water we are affected because we need to use less and not waste it

irvingG said...

Here are the most important facts about how the scarcity of water and the abundance of water could affect us.The scarcity of water could affect us because we will not be able to use it normally.The abundance could affect use because we will get over powered with it and we will just cause plants to drown.This is how the scarcity and the abundance of water could affect us.

DJ said...

In the desert, people might use water extremely conservative. They probably only use it for bathing, drinking, and cooking. In Hawaii, they might use water for the littlest things. For example, they might use it for watering their lawns, taking a shower, and for every thing else you can think of. As you can see, the abundance and scarcity of water drastically effects how we use it.

Alex M said...

An abundance of a resource effects how we use it by using it in differently. For example, there is not alot of gold so humans make it expensive. That is why gold is so rare. There is alot of water so it is akmost free. There is a question.

andreaC said...

The abundance and the scarcity of water wil affect people in many ways.For example we need water to live,to drink,we needwater for houses,buisnesses,for food,to water plants,and for many more reasons.A world without water will turn the world upside down, because there would be lots of people dying for water just because people are wasting water.
so we need to srtart to save water!

fernando said...

It is very bad if someone that uses water wastes it.the people that have enough water sometimes wastes alot of water.someone that lives in a desert does not waste water because the amount of water that they have is small.we should stop wasting eater because we can run of water.these are some important resourses how we waste water and how other people need water

andreaC said...
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Maria Celeste said...

The scarcity of the water will affect us because we need water to live and to do many things. First of all the scarcity of water will make us waste more water. If we waste water we will all die.

Manuel said...

the abondense or scarecity of something afects how we use it fore example. MR.shriner with mony and the inventer of dog colers .MR.shriner might go to a nuggets game inventor might buy the nuggets .MR.Shriner might go to water wrold .Inventor might buy watter wrold. MR.Shrinner might go to california. Inventor might go to inglend.