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The purpose of this blog is to provide a tools for sucess in 6th grade Science. Along with other web-based technologies and more traditional resources each class of Science students will work together to build a community of learners. Students will contribute to the class blog and share our blogs with friends and family.
If we had very little of a little of that resource then we would use only a little of that resource.If we had alot of that same resource then we would use more then needed because we think we have more than enough.if we take 5 hour showers then we have very little resource of water left.If we take only 30 minute showers then we would have enough to take a 30 miute shower over and over agian.So how much we use and how we use it makes the effects in resources.
It affects us how we use it because when we take showers we waste all of the water that we don't use. All that water can still be used. Also because when we water our plants and grass, if you put a lot of water, the soil will get soggy and it'll just stay there. Then when you step on the grass, your shoes os feet will get reall dirty because of the wet soil.
The amount of resources effect how we use it, because we think we have resources to last us forever. We think we have a lot so we cut down 20 trees a day. We waste a lot of water. Also we polute air, water, and rainforest. Unlike people in desets. The people who live in the desert don't take showers also they don't drink much.
The amount of resources are very important to human life.If we did'nt have any resourses we would die because we need water and food to live.We also need minerals and trees to live because trees give us oxygen.Oils are very important because they power up cars so we can move around. That's why the amount of resourses are so important because with out them we would die.
Savannah Bodkin
The amount of a resource will effect how we use it for example, if there is four gallons of water,
then that is enough to give a baby a bath.So it effects us on which things we can use it for.Also if we had 200 gallons of water and 4 people took 20 minute showers each.Then theyb might not have any more water to use that day. Then we would have to slim down on how much of the resource we use.
Hannah Vashaw
it effects us how we use it because when we take showers we waste the water because it keeps coming out.also lots of it we dont use goes down the drain and dont get used for a good cause.also later in life it will be excpensive to clean water and lots of us wont be able to drink water.
It affects the resource the way we use it by the amount we use.If it is a little or a lot the resource will finish.But one will end quicker then the other.So we have to take care of the resources we have so they last longer.From:John Payan.
It affects us by if it has a lot or a little.If it is a lot than we use it a lot, like we do water.But if it has just a little bit than we are more wiser in how we use it.That is how the amount affects the way we use it.Kyler Rick
THe amount of resouses effects us because if we did'nt have the earth we would not have water or oil resouses.Also we would not know ant thing about the resouses.
Also the resorses can come from trees and plants or minarals.
Somethings like gold are very rare.The two resourses we would use alot would be paper and water.
Jessica Hagen
How we use our resources affect us by economy. Why? You should ask. Well, examples are trees. The papers come from trees, and if we waste too much paper there are not going to be enough trees. In that way the paper is going to be expensive because there are not going to be enough
trees, lets said gold there is not enough gold for every one in the world, so it is expensive. It is going to be expensive if there are not enough trees.
The amount of resources affects us by how we use it. For example trees, if there is no more, we won't have no oxygen to breath,or have no paper to wright on. Another, is rich people and poor people rich people would use money different than poor people.
Alexis K
Of all the fresh water that we have we use it a lot when we shouldn’t. They would only have 3% of fresh water. We use it to wet the ground sometimes for no reason, we also use it to wet people and it is just a waste. The water that we have is the water that we have to survive on so we should use it right.
Yes, the amount of a resource effects how we use it because if we don't have enough of a resource, and the resource can't reproduce then,we can't use a lot of it because once we use it all we can't get anymore of the resource. For example, trees because the we we won't have enough oxygen for everyone on earth to survive or have paper, unless we recycle. Also, if we have a lot of a resource and it is able to reproduce, then we can use as much as we want because we will never really run out. An example of this is water because the same amount of water that was here when the dinosaur's were here is still here and is the water we use now, so we can use as much as we want because it is never going to go away.
The amount of our resources affects how we use it because we use water like if we never were going to run out. We waste even more then millions of water. Also we cut about 20 trees a day. We cut them so we can make papers, but we don’t recycle paper that often. Some people even kill animals to were there skin. They pay a lot of money for shoes, jackets, and scarfs.
The amount of a resouce effects how we use a surtain amount of it.For example,if you need water you would have to have a good job that pays well so you can aford h2o and don't fall behind on your water bills.
The amount of resources affects the way people use them by the more of something that you have, the more you can do with the resource. For example if there was a rich person and a poor person, the rich person would be able to do more things with his or her money, than the poor person would.
Jessica s
The amout of a resource effects how we use it by telling us how its capacity effects the volume of the resource. It also effects how we use it because it gives us different weights for every different amount of the resource. Finally,it helps us cauculate facts and observation.
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