Based on the results of the experiment you designed answer the question "Does air have mass?" Explain how you set your experiment up and what you observed.
The purpose of this blog is to provide a tools for sucess in 6th grade Science. Along with other web-based technologies and more traditional resources each class of Science students will work together to build a community of learners. Students will contribute to the class blog and share our blogs with friends and family.
mr. schriner i thought the does air have mass? was cool but when is the homework due?
The way we did our experiment was basic but fun....WHY DID YOU POP MY BALLOON????? SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU!!!! :(
Air does have mass. I dindnt get to do my expirement.
the way we set up our experiment was to hang a balloon on one side of the stick and hang the empty balloon on the other side of a stick. I do think air has mass because when you throw a balloon filled with air up minto the air , it will fall back down.
i thought that air did have mass but it didn't in my experiment
air has mass bacause we did the test on it and aballon without air weighs 3.3g and a ballon with air weighs 3.4g.I think that the air has some water molecules wich make the air get heavy.
air has mass because we put one balloon that has air on one side,and on the otherside one with no air and the one that has ?air has mass?
Air does have mass.When we did our experiment, we weighed a full balloon and a deflated balloon on a triple beam balance. The full balloon weighed 3.4 grams and the deflated balloon weighed 3.1 grams. That proved that air has mass.( I rubbed the balloon on my hair to get it to stay on the balance).
first, put air in a ballon and another one without air on a triple beam balance to see if air has mass. Then we measured the mass of each ballon and air did had mass.
First, we made a little balance out of two sticks. Then, we tied a string to each end of the sticks, and then we put a inflated ballon to one end and a deflated ballon to the other. After that we watched to see what would happen. Then, the inflated balloon pulled the deflated balloon up. That proves that air has mass.
Air does have mass because last week we did an experiment. We weighed the ballon without air and then we weighed it with air and it weighed more. First it weigh 2.9 with no air and then 3.6 with air.
I think air does have mass because once you pop the ballon you can observe that the air that was in the baloon got out and the baloon dropped to the floor
I tested that air DOES have by tying 2 balloons on a stick(one on each end of the stick.)Then I tied another stick to the middle of the 1st stick so that it would look like a "T" or a scale.After that we blew up one of the balloons and weighed them both using the scale.I then noticed that the inflated balloon was heavier than the deflated balloon.
Air does hav mass because we took the mass of a balloon without air and with air and the balloon with air weigh 3.4g and the one with air weighed 3.3g so air does have mass.
The WAY we did our experiment was that we weighed and un-inflated balloon, and it weighed 2.6g, so we tried to wiegh the blown up balloon,but it kept slipping off of the triple beam balance, so we took a piece or tape, weighed it because we needed it to keep the balloon down, and we didn't want it to interfere with the actual weight of the balloon, butthe tape weighed .1g, so we stuck the tape on the balloon adn taped it to the T.B.B, and it weighed 3.7g, so we subtracted .1g and it came to 3.6g.
BTW UR A MEANBALLOON POPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(
I think that air does have mass.So then we did a expiriment that we tied a stick to the end of a table and then tied one end to the inflated balloon and the other end to the dedeflated balloon and then placed it in the stick. But since that didn't work, we measured it with a triple beam balance. That prved that air has mass.
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