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The purpose of this blog is to provide a tools for sucess in 6th grade Science. Along with other web-based technologies and more traditional resources each class of Science students will work together to build a community of learners. Students will contribute to the class blog and share our blogs with friends and family.
they can predict it whith machines like the ones they ise to predict an earthquake
They can use machines to predict weather,just like they use to predict storms.
I think they use the weather, like they use the weather patterns. They see the future events from the weather patterns.
They have special mechines that monitor the activity of the atmosphere to predict if precpitation will happen, if there will be a hurricane , or if any other type of weather will happen.
they use machines to predict many things or they use the machine to chase storms.
People use trends and patterns to predict future events by predicting then useing a machine and telling them or using the information that they got last year at the exact same time and date that the weather happend.
they use speacial machines to see weather something is gonna happen or to see if like a tornado is gonna come or something bad its like seeing the future or predicting
They predict how the world revolves from trageties like hurricanes,typhons, and weather.They also check out if last year the world moved here this day ,this excact hour, minute,or second.Plus if over the years it was cold here then the year after that it was colder near somewhere around that state so they study how and where the sun will go that year,month,or day.They could also check out different patterns in how the planet earth will move to the same way the sun will move so they can find a pattern in the temperature and rotation in the sun and earth.
they put arrows to show were the storms or tornados are going and use colors tosee how bad is the storm
People use weather machines and get readins so they can report the weather.
Weather channels know what the weather is going to be the next day because if the wheather is going up by the day then next day they would make the pattern keep on going.
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